NH Presidential Primary Caricatures Presented in non-partisan alphabetical order :)
2004 Permanent marker & pen on paper.
George W. Bush
Dick Gephardt
Wesley Clark
Bob Graham
Howard Dean
John Kerry
John Edwards
Dennis Kucinich
2008 Permanent markers, pen and colored pencils on Bristol or watercolor paper. Pencil roughs drawn on copy paper. Although Palin joined the circus later and was not part of NH Primary she's included here also.
Joe Biden
Yankee thriftiness: drawn on a sheet of twice-used copy paper - copy machine versions of a cartoon rough of Gov. John Lynch and June from my comic strip R.F.D. are on the back.
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
(no rough available)
Barack Obama (Two roughs of Obama for the price of one!)
Mitt Romney
Sarah Palin
2012 Permanent markers, pen and colored pencils on Bristol. Pencil roughs drawn on copy paper.